City to pay $500K to man injured by flying log

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Chainsaw Enthusiast
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 25, 2006
By MARA H. GOTTFRIED | [email protected]
UPDATED: October 20, 2016 at 8:11 am

Delmer Fladwood never saw the 800-pound log careening toward him in St. Paul almost four years ago. The last things he remembers before it hit him on a winter afternoon in 2013 was leaving work, going to a neighborhood bar on West Seventh Street and stepping outside.

People had gathered to watch a St. Paul forestry crew cut down a massive tree across the street. Workers had removed the tree’s upper limbs and put them in the street to create a “crash pad” for the tree’s main trunk.

But when the tree toppled onto the logs, at least two of them flew across the street, striking Fladwood, then 65, in the legs, according to a lawsuit he filed against the city of St. Paul.

“I’ll never be back to normal,” Fladwood, of St. Paul, said this week. He suffered broken bones in both legs and a severed artery, leading to five surgeries and three months in the hospital.

“I’ve got titanium in both my legs. If you look at the X-ray, you wouldn’t believe all the breaks in them. My femur was just shattered like a tea cup.” The St. Paul City Council voted Wednesday to approve a $500,000 settlement to Fladwood, 69.

If Fladwood’s lawsuit had gone to trial, the central question would have been: Was the incident negligence on the city’s part?St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark calls it an accident.

“One of our city employees was standing right next to Mr. Fladwood, which underlines what an awful, terrible freak accident this was,” Clark said Wednesday. “It could have just as easily been one of our own employees. I think at this point everyone feels awful and is ready to move on and put this terrible accident behind the city.”

But Fladwood’s attorney said the city’s practice of using logs as a “crash pad” left spectators in harm’s way.

“I don’t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out if a massive, massive elm lands on the logs in the street, you don’t know where the logs are going to go,” said Elliot Olsen. “… Here’s a guy who was a completely innocent bystander, he’s not an expert in taking down trees, he’s not the one who’s supposed to anticipate this is going to happen. The process the city used was sort of a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time before it injured a member of the crew or a bystander like it did here.”

St. Paul immediately made changes. Fladwood was injured on a Friday and all forestry workers met the Monday morning that followed “to review and strengthen the standard of securing the work zone for both traffic and pedestrian safety,” according to a 2013 email from St. Paul’s forestry supervisor.

The department stopped using tree debris “as a cushion for protection of paved surfaces” when cutting down large trees, according to the email, though St. Paul Parks and Recreation spokeswoman Clare Cloyd said that’s “still an accepted practice in the industry.” St. Paul now uses large steel plates to cushion a large tree’s fall, Cloyd said.

After the incident, forestry crews began using a form to document traffic and pedestrian safety in work zones. On high-traffic sites, they now assign at least one worker whose sole job is making sure pedestrians and traffic don’t get too close, Cloyd said. The city also purchased two-way radios and headphones for crews, for better communication.

The city reviewed what happened in 2013 and determined “no discipline was appropriate or necessary” for employees, Cloyd said.

Jan. 4, 2013, began as a normal day for Fladwood. The independent computer consultant finished his work and dropped by the Spot Bar at the corner of Randolph Avenue and Victoria Street. Fladwood arrived at 1:30 p.m., sipped a rum and Coke, then headed outside about 10 minutes later.

At least five other people were watching as the workers prepared to pull down the American elm, which the city determined had Dutch elm disease. The tree across the street from the bar was 60 feet tall and 4 feet in diameter and estimated to be 120 to 160 years old.

Fladwood’s lawsuit said city workers did not rope off the sidewalk near the bar or tell pedestrians not to stand there, but the city said in a court document “that it used a city employee rather than a rope to keep bystanders at a safe distance from the tree felling.”

When the tree was toppled and the logs flew, the same one that struck Fladwood hit or barely missed a St. Paul worker who also fell to the ground, according to the lawsuit. The city estimated the log that struck Fladwood was 7 feet long, more than 1½ feet wide and 826 pounds.

“I don’t remember anything,” Fladwood said this week. “I remember going outside and hearing a crack or something and next thing I knew, paramedics were there.”

Fladwood, who is a Vietnam War veteran, asked to be taken to the VA Medical Center, but paramedics told him he needed to go to a trauma center because of the severity of his injuries. He wound up at Regions Hospital. “When they lifted me off the gurney at the hospital, someone said my leg was bleeding like a faucet,” Fladwood said. An artery in his leg had been severed and Fladwood required emergency surgery.

Fladwood filed a lawsuit against the city of St. Paul in 2014, but the city responded in a court document that Fladwood “assumed the risk of being near the tree felling operation” and claimed official immunity. “The city’s argument was that the decision to use the ‘crash pad’ was protected by official immunity, which doesn’t deny that what happened to him was awful, just the city wasn’t liable,” said Clark, the city attorney.

But the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled earlier this year that the facts of the case did not allow the city to claim official immunity. St. Paul filed an appeal with the Minnesota Supreme Court, which declined to take the case, and the city and Fladwood agreed to settle.

“The city refused to accept any responsibility, and we had to chase them all the way to the Minnesota Court of Appeals,” said Olsen, Fladwood’s attorney. “… They claimed they’re immune from it, but why should the city be treated any different than anybody else who’s done something stupid like this?”

Fladwood’s permanent injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses are far greater than the settlement amount, Olsen said, but state law sets $500,000 as the maximum amount a municipality can be liable for in a tort lawsuit.



Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 19, 2016
By MARA H. GOTTFRIED | [email protected]
UPDATED: October 20, 2016 at 8:11 am

Delmer Fladwood never saw the 800-pound log careening toward him in St. Paul almost four years ago. The last things he remembers before it hit him on a winter afternoon in 2013 was leaving work, going to a neighborhood bar on West Seventh Street and stepping outside.

People had gathered to watch a St. Paul forestry crew cut down a massive tree across the street. Workers had removed the tree’s upper limbs and put them in the street to create a “crash pad” for the tree’s main trunk.

But when the tree toppled onto the logs, at least two of them flew across the street, striking Fladwood, then 65, in the legs, according to a lawsuit he filed against the city of St. Paul.

“I’ll never be back to normal,” Fladwood, of St. Paul, said this week. He suffered broken bones in both legs and a severed artery, leading to five surgeries and three months in the hospital.

“I’ve got titanium in both my legs. If you look at the X-ray, you wouldn’t believe all the breaks in them. My femur was just shattered like a tea cup.” The St. Paul City Council voted Wednesday to approve a $500,000 settlement to Fladwood, 69.

If Fladwood’s lawsuit had gone to trial, the central question would have been: Was the incident negligence on the city’s part?St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark calls it an accident.

“One of our city employees was standing right next to Mr. Fladwood, which underlines what an awful, terrible freak accident this was,” Clark said Wednesday. “It could have just as easily been one of our own employees. I think at this point everyone feels awful and is ready to move on and put this terrible accident behind the city.”

But Fladwood’s attorney said the city’s practice of using logs as a “crash pad” left spectators in harm’s way.

“I don’t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out if a massive, massive elm lands on the logs in the street, you don’t know where the logs are going to go,” said Elliot Olsen. “… Here’s a guy who was a completely innocent bystander, he’s not an expert in taking down trees, he’s not the one who’s supposed to anticipate this is going to happen. The process the city used was sort of a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time before it injured a member of the crew or a bystander like it did here.”

St. Paul immediately made changes. Fladwood was injured on a Friday and all forestry workers met the Monday morning that followed “to review and strengthen the standard of securing the work zone for both traffic and pedestrian safety,” according to a 2013 email from St. Paul’s forestry supervisor.

The department stopped using tree debris “as a cushion for protection of paved surfaces” when cutting down large trees, according to the email, though St. Paul Parks and Recreation spokeswoman Clare Cloyd said that’s “still an accepted practice in the industry.” St. Paul now uses large steel plates to cushion a large tree’s fall, Cloyd said.

After the incident, forestry crews began using a form to document traffic and pedestrian safety in work zones. On high-traffic sites, they now assign at least one worker whose sole job is making sure pedestrians and traffic don’t get too close, Cloyd said. The city also purchased two-way radios and headphones for crews, for better communication.

The city reviewed what happened in 2013 and determined “no discipline was appropriate or necessary” for employees, Cloyd said.

Jan. 4, 2013, began as a normal day for Fladwood. The independent computer consultant finished his work and dropped by the Spot Bar at the corner of Randolph Avenue and Victoria Street. Fladwood arrived at 1:30 p.m., sipped a rum and Coke, then headed outside about 10 minutes later.

At least five other people were watching as the workers prepared to pull down the American elm, which the city determined had Dutch elm disease. The tree across the street from the bar was 60 feet tall and 4 feet in diameter and estimated to be 120 to 160 years old.

Fladwood’s lawsuit said city workers did not rope off the sidewalk near the bar or tell pedestrians not to stand there, but the city said in a court document “that it used a city employee rather than a rope to keep bystanders at a safe distance from the tree felling.”

When the tree was toppled and the logs flew, the same one that struck Fladwood hit or barely missed a St. Paul worker who also fell to the ground, according to the lawsuit. The city estimated the log that struck Fladwood was 7 feet long, more than 1½ feet wide and 826 pounds.

“I don’t remember anything,” Fladwood said this week. “I remember going outside and hearing a crack or something and next thing I knew, paramedics were there.”

Fladwood, who is a Vietnam War veteran, asked to be taken to the VA Medical Center, but paramedics told him he needed to go to a trauma center because of the severity of his injuries. He wound up at Regions Hospital. “When they lifted me off the gurney at the hospital, someone said my leg was bleeding like a faucet,” Fladwood said. An artery in his leg had been severed and Fladwood required emergency surgery.

Fladwood filed a lawsuit against the city of St. Paul in 2014, but the city responded in a court document that Fladwood “assumed the risk of being near the tree felling operation” and claimed official immunity. “The city’s argument was that the decision to use the ‘crash pad’ was protected by official immunity, which doesn’t deny that what happened to him was awful, just the city wasn’t liable,” said Clark, the city attorney.

But the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled earlier this year that the facts of the case did not allow the city to claim official immunity. St. Paul filed an appeal with the Minnesota Supreme Court, which declined to take the case, and the city and Fladwood agreed to settle.

“The city refused to accept any responsibility, and we had to chase them all the way to the Minnesota Court of Appeals,” said Olsen, Fladwood’s attorney. “… They claimed they’re immune from it, but why should the city be treated any different than anybody else who’s done something stupid like this?”

Fladwood’s permanent injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses are far greater than the settlement amount, Olsen said, but state law sets $500,000 as the maximum amount a municipality can be liable for in a tort lawsuit.


And everyone takes shots at lawyers....until they need one! City had nothing to lose litigating because their damages are capped.

Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
Mar 20, 2009
Victoria Australia
I'll ask you guys :

Is using other limbs to cushion a falling tree 'standard practice'?

Ever seen a limb that big fly that far?

Would you have thought that that guy was far enough away (before reading the story / watching the video?


yes, use limbs as pad often to save hard surface like pavement etc but after years of doing this im well aware of the potential projectiles with the energy of felling a big trunk. i set them in close to be well under lading and trim trunk so it lessen chance of flick or push but will still see the occasional log eject so keep the site secure of person or property or just take the time to dismantle it bit by bit.. Actually its often far easy to break it down in standing portion rather than in big bit on the deck and last few years we more often use a crane to lift and take big trunks away as cheaper & easy to dispose as habitat log or set it aside for the fire wooders

I seen dead wood limbs & chunks flick and fly easy 50 plus foot and been 65 foot up in bucket when a dead limb from a felled head section rose gracefully back up & hit me hard....

the team & the bloke hit were very unlucky but the log pads were set to far away so the trunk top pushed them

From the vid comments
Del came by the fire station and met with us last week. He is walking and doing good. He is an extremely nice guy (offered to buy the crew dinner) and we were very happy to see him recovering so well. He said it was fine to use his name/story/video in my future First Aid and CPR classes.
DR. P. Proteus

DR. P. Proteus

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 2, 2013
A bar in the middle of the day huh? If he had any blood left after getting hit they should have checked its alcohol level.

It looks like the whole street is shut down and blocked off.

They were working out there all day and this guy is surprised he got hit by a log?

I don't know, If I decide to spectate traffic while standing in the road can I sue when I get run over?


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 1, 2013
Western WI
A bar in the middle of the day huh? If he had any blood left after getting hit they should have checked its alcohol level.

It looks like the whole street is shut down and blocked off.

They were working out there all day and this guy is surprised he got hit by a log?

I don't know, If I decide to spectate traffic while standing in the road can I sue when I get run over?

Agreed, anyone drinking a beer in the middle of the day deserves to get their legs broken. ;)

That was the point of your post, right?


Chainsaw Enthusiast
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 25, 2006
A bar in the middle of the day huh?
A lot of bars serve lunch. I don't drink much, but often have stopped in to a bar for a burger and a Coke.

I would have felt comfortable watching at that distance (before hearing of this). Surprised how far it flew.

DR. P. Proteus

DR. P. Proteus

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 2, 2013
A lot of bars serve lunch. I don't drink much, but often have stopped in to a bar for a burger and a Coke.

I would have felt comfortable watching at that distance (before hearing of this). Surprised how far it flew.


After the guy gets driven down by the log you can see a worker duck under the barricade in order to reach him.

Its said the we are responsible for the situations we get ourselves into.


ArboristSite Guru
Aug 29, 2010
Malvern Arkansas
I recently started a thread about how to keep people out of the work zone. It's one of the biggest problems I deal with on a daily basis. They walk and drive through my cones and lift up caution tape and come on in. When I jump on them they say they are just going home. I have. 200' rule on my job when applicable. I know I can't ask people 5 houses down to get out of their yard. But all operations cease when someone is in my work zone.

It looks like the tree was felled right toward the guy. We use brush for a pad but not logs. Logs will do as much damage as the tree itself. What's going to happen when a steel plate goes flipping down the sidewalk.


loud pipes save lives
Dec 16, 2012
Cottage grove mn
By MARA H. GOTTFRIED | [email protected]
UPDATED: October 20, 2016 at 8:11 am

Delmer Fladwood never saw the 800-pound log careening toward him in St. Paul almost four years ago. The last things he remembers before it hit him on a winter afternoon in 2013 was leaving work, going to a neighborhood bar on West Seventh Street and stepping outside.

People had gathered to watch a St. Paul forestry crew cut down a massive tree across the street. Workers had removed the tree’s upper limbs and put them in the street to create a “crash pad” for the tree’s main trunk.

But when the tree toppled onto the logs, at least two of them flew across the street, striking Fladwood, then 65, in the legs, according to a lawsuit he filed against the city of St. Paul.

“I’ll never be back to normal,” Fladwood, of St. Paul, said this week. He suffered broken bones in both legs and a severed artery, leading to five surgeries and three months in the hospital.

“I’ve got titanium in both my legs. If you look at the X-ray, you wouldn’t believe all the breaks in them. My femur was just shattered like a tea cup.” The St. Paul City Council voted Wednesday to approve a $500,000 settlement to Fladwood, 69.

If Fladwood’s lawsuit had gone to trial, the central question would have been: Was the incident negligence on the city’s part?St. Paul City Attorney Samuel Clark calls it an accident.

“One of our city employees was standing right next to Mr. Fladwood, which underlines what an awful, terrible freak accident this was,” Clark said Wednesday. “It could have just as easily been one of our own employees. I think at this point everyone feels awful and is ready to move on and put this terrible accident behind the city.”

But Fladwood’s attorney said the city’s practice of using logs as a “crash pad” left spectators in harm’s way.

“I don’t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure out if a massive, massive elm lands on the logs in the street, you don’t know where the logs are going to go,” said Elliot Olsen. “… Here’s a guy who was a completely innocent bystander, he’s not an expert in taking down trees, he’s not the one who’s supposed to anticipate this is going to happen. The process the city used was sort of a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time before it injured a member of the crew or a bystander like it did here.”

St. Paul immediately made changes. Fladwood was injured on a Friday and all forestry workers met the Monday morning that followed “to review and strengthen the standard of securing the work zone for both traffic and pedestrian safety,” according to a 2013 email from St. Paul’s forestry supervisor.

The department stopped using tree debris “as a cushion for protection of paved surfaces” when cutting down large trees, according to the email, though St. Paul Parks and Recreation spokeswoman Clare Cloyd said that’s “still an accepted practice in the industry.” St. Paul now uses large steel plates to cushion a large tree’s fall, Cloyd said.

After the incident, forestry crews began using a form to document traffic and pedestrian safety in work zones. On high-traffic sites, they now assign at least one worker whose sole job is making sure pedestrians and traffic don’t get too close, Cloyd said. The city also purchased two-way radios and headphones for crews, for better communication.

The city reviewed what happened in 2013 and determined “no discipline was appropriate or necessary” for employees, Cloyd said.

Jan. 4, 2013, began as a normal day for Fladwood. The independent computer consultant finished his work and dropped by the Spot Bar at the corner of Randolph Avenue and Victoria Street. Fladwood arrived at 1:30 p.m., sipped a rum and Coke, then headed outside about 10 minutes later.

At least five other people were watching as the workers prepared to pull down the American elm, which the city determined had Dutch elm disease. The tree across the street from the bar was 60 feet tall and 4 feet in diameter and estimated to be 120 to 160 years old.

Fladwood’s lawsuit said city workers did not rope off the sidewalk near the bar or tell pedestrians not to stand there, but the city said in a court document “that it used a city employee rather than a rope to keep bystanders at a safe distance from the tree felling.”

When the tree was toppled and the logs flew, the same one that struck Fladwood hit or barely missed a St. Paul worker who also fell to the ground, according to the lawsuit. The city estimated the log that struck Fladwood was 7 feet long, more than 1½ feet wide and 826 pounds.

“I don’t remember anything,” Fladwood said this week. “I remember going outside and hearing a crack or something and next thing I knew, paramedics were there.”

Fladwood, who is a Vietnam War veteran, asked to be taken to the VA Medical Center, but paramedics told him he needed to go to a trauma center because of the severity of his injuries. He wound up at Regions Hospital. “When they lifted me off the gurney at the hospital, someone said my leg was bleeding like a faucet,” Fladwood said. An artery in his leg had been severed and Fladwood required emergency surgery.

Fladwood filed a lawsuit against the city of St. Paul in 2014, but the city responded in a court document that Fladwood “assumed the risk of being near the tree felling operation” and claimed official immunity. “The city’s argument was that the decision to use the ‘crash pad’ was protected by official immunity, which doesn’t deny that what happened to him was awful, just the city wasn’t liable,” said Clark, the city attorney.

But the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled earlier this year that the facts of the case did not allow the city to claim official immunity. St. Paul filed an appeal with the Minnesota Supreme Court, which declined to take the case, and the city and Fladwood agreed to settle.

“The city refused to accept any responsibility, and we had to chase them all the way to the Minnesota Court of Appeals,” said Olsen, Fladwood’s attorney. “… They claimed they’re immune from it, but why should the city be treated any different than anybody else who’s done something stupid like this?”

Fladwood’s permanent injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses are far greater than the settlement amount, Olsen said, but state law sets $500,000 as the maximum amount a municipality can be liable for in a tort lawsuit.


Good article Phil
DR. P. Proteus

DR. P. Proteus

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 2, 2013
What a dumb, futile thing to do. Unless they have steel plates under those logs, that big boy is still going to destroy that road.

I think you might be surprised. I know I am every time I see it... or even do it.

I do admit I stack my logs paying attention to what might be thrown because I lernt that lesson long ago, thankfully it wasn't downtown outside a bar.


I have chainsaws and chainsaw accessories.
Jan 3, 2016
This was always the biggest concern when doing any tree work in the campground I worked at. Most of the trees we worked were bull pine and they like to grow multiple trunks sometimes 20 feet up. They tend to partially break on the branches beyond that point. We caution off as much as we can and it never fails people will rip the tape down sometimes even while we are cutting.

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